Sand dunes of Buctouche right before a huge hailstorm hit!

La Pays de la Segouine 

Perce Rock is on of Canada's most famous and most photographed landmarks. It is 290 feet high and has a large hole at the eastern end.

Cap de Gaspe. One thousand foot high cliffs with a lighthouse on top that was built in 1858 and is the tallest in Canada at 112 feet. The walls are 7 feet thick at the base and taper to 3 feet at the top. 

We made it to New Brunswick! Our 90 mile crossing was uneventful and we anchored in behind Portage Island in Miramichi Bay in a nice sand bay and the books told us that this spot was good holding and protection from current and wind however this was not the case as we had just gotten into bed when the boat started rocking and rolling. The tide was coming from one direction and the wind from another which makes for a "tempest in a teapot." This continued all night so needless to say neither of us got a lot of sleep that night. We got up early for what was suppose to be a short day to Shediac. The weather ended up turning on us and we decided to stop in Buctouche for the night which was 15 miles from Shediac as it was getting late and we would not make it to Shediac before dark. The marina ended up being a beautiful spot with an amazing clubhouse with a complete kitchen and gas fireplace and wrap around deck! We decided we liked it here so much that we didn't feel like moving the boat the next day as it felt too much like work and we were ready for some relaxation!
We called our friends Danny and Pat who live in Moncton and made arrangements for Danny to pick us up on Friday and take us to their house for dinner and the night. What a dinner it turned out to be. In true Danny fashion, he had picked up lobster, scallops, steak, salmon and halibut! What a feast it turned out to be. You may be thinking that they invited the whole town of Moncton for dinner but no, just one other couple were invited also with their children but the kids had pizza! Luckily Bruce's sister and her husband ended up coming over for dinner too and we still had no shortage of food. By the way Bettyann ate 2 lobsters! It was great to see everyone and especially Lauren who is growing up to be a beautiful girl who reminds me a lot of Lindsay at her age!
We left Danny and Pat's on Saturday morning and picked up Ray and Bettyann at their hotel (they had taken a cab back as Bettyann was too full to drive.) We visited Magnetic Mountain in Moncton and then continued back to Buctouche and went to the Acadian villiage of La Pays de la Sagouine built on a winding boardwalk over the marshland and to the farmer's market in town. Sunday the guys had booked a game of golf in the morning and Bettyann and I went to the Irving Memorial Church for Sunday morning service. We thought that would make our mothers happy! It was a beautiful church built in 2004 and our mothers would have really enjoyed the service. We had lunch and then picked the guys up at the golf course and went to the Buctouche Dunes and the Irving Eco-Centre.
Tomorrow Ray and Bettyann leave for P.E.I. for a few days and they will take us to the airport so we can fly home for a few days. Hope we can see some friends and family. We will be home for at least 4 days. Hopefully when we get back we will also go to P.E.I. and then the Bras d'Or lakes!
Okay everyone, we are anxiously awaiting your comments, so let's here them. Bruce and Esther
Hello!!!! I'm really enjoying your blog. Sounds like you have started quite an adventure. Glad to hear that Mom and Dad have arrived safe and sound. I haven't heard from them since they left last week. I can only imagine the Lobster Fest that you enjoyed. Mom always surprises everyone with her ability to eat. You'd think when you were as small as her that you'd have a small appetite!!! NOT. I can't remember if you will see mom and dad again before they head back - if you do tell them that the kids miss them. I've had a few teary nights with Raiya claiming that she "JUST WANTS HER GRANDMA" I personally think she is full of it - she knows that Grandma will give her whatever she wants. Smart little cookie!
Have some good days of sailing. Keep up with the blog. I really enjoy hearing about your journey's.
All the best.
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