We left Oak Island on Wednesday morning for Port Mouton which turned out to be one of the nicest anchorages we have been in. The beach was beautiful hard sand and we dropped the dinghy and went in for a walk. It seemed like every boat in the harbor was heading South and we talked to a french couple who had left France about 7 years ago on their boat and were still sailing. I thought we were doing something adventurous until you talk to others who have done so much more. We also met a couple in Shelburne who have been sailing for 11 years. They started off in Hawaii and have been sailing ever since. They work about 6 months of the year and sail the rest. He is a RN and likes to get a job in an emergency room if possible. We also met another couple from the States on the beach and they were heading to Shelburne. We later met up with them there.
On Thursday we were not in too much of a rush to get going as we had only about 35 miles to put in. We left about 1100 as we were also enjoying some beautiful sunny weather. The sun had been shining for a record 5 days in a row and although the nights were cool the days were warm with no humidity. We knew that the sunshine was only forecast to last another day so we fiqured we would get to Shelburne while we could as we would rather be stuck in a town than in the middle of nowhere! It was a wise decision as we have been here since but plan to leave tomorrow morning for a long day to Yarmouth. This crossing can be very difficult so we have waited to get a perfect forcast to do it in. When we picked up our mooring ball at the Shelburne Yacht Club, Bruce looked around and said "Look who's here". Right in front of us was Zero Gravity again. We had hoped to run into them again soon but thought that they would be on their way to Yarmouth. They had a couple of long days so decided to stay here. We also moored beside the Mary T, Amy and Ken's boat, the couple who we had met on the beach in Port Mouton. When we went up to the clubhouse to register, we ran into Liliane and Mike from Zero Gravity and they too had just met Amy and Ken so we all decided to go for dinner. During dinner, Amy and Ken mentioned that every Friday on their boat was pirate Friday and they would dress up and talk like pirates. We thought it sounded like fun and invited ourselves over for drinks the next day which just happened to be pirate Friday.
On Friday morning Liliane, Mike, Bruce and I set off into town in search of piratewear We lucked in at a discount store and got everything we would need for our pirate night along with some water ballons to use as amunition. We commenced our night with a water assault and then boarded the vessel for drinks and appetizers. We had a lot of fun but decided if the kids could see us, they would probably tell us to grow up!
On Saturday, the club was having their annual Chili Cookoff and potluck dinner so we decided to participate in the judging and eating. They had 12 different chili's to try and we tried them all! You had to vote for the best chili, the hottest chili, and the best dressed chili chef. Another great evening of meeting other boaters and having a good time over a great dinner.
Today we are getting ready for our departure to Yarmouth
I didn't get this edition posted so will just add to the old one before posting it. We got away from our mooring about 0730 along with Mike and Liliane and had a great day for crossing over to Yarmouth and going around Cape Sable, which seems to be notorious for giving people a hard time. The trip took longer than we anticipated and we didn't pull into Yarmouth until about 2030 that evening. It was getting a little tight for us as our navigation lights were not working so we didn't want to travel at night. We had a safety net in Mike and Liliane as we could follow them in if it got too late. We just made it and there was a beautiful full moon. The crossing was uneventful except it was cold as the water temperature is only 9 degrees! We had to take a mooring ball as the docks were too small for us. We called it a night and would get together again with Mike and Liliane in the morning as they invited us for brunch. We were able to move over to a dock in the morning as a large boat left early and that was the only spot we could take so we moved over so we could get power and charge up everything. We had a great brunch on Zero Gravity and then Liliane and Bruce went for a message and I went for a much needed pedicure. Bruce hurt his back the last time I sent him up the mast and has been having pain ever since. We will leave Mike and Liliane here as they are going to Gran Manan and we are going to do a night crossing to Bar Harbor tomorrow night. The weather is supposed to be good and the moon is full so it should go well. We fixed our nav lights today so we are all good to go. I can't seem to be able to comment on the pictures. The first one is a picture of Selbourne Yacht Club and then there are our assault pictures on the pirate boat and some full moon pictures. One isn't very good but it has Zero Gravity in the background.