Zero Gravity. Notice the PCYC Burgee
Sue's brother Tim and his wife Monica outside their bar foc'sle
The adventure continues. Bruce's friend Mark from Halifax (the guy we went out to watch the fireworks with) came for a visit on Friday. We took the dinghy into town to meet him and of course everyone was talking about the storm the night before. Many people had lost power due to lightning strikes and Tim and Monica had lost a lot of their electronic equipment at the bar so Tim was busy getting new stuff set up so people could again use their credit and debit cards at the bar. We met up with Mark and decided to go back to the boat for a late lunch. Mark had brought enough food for a week but again failed to bring his wife with him. He does assure me that she does exist but I have yet to meet her. After lunch we decided to take the dinghy over to another of Mark's friend's boat who was anchored in the back harbor of Chester. We had a great time with them and then went into town to check out what was happening there. By this time it was getting too late to return to the boat for dinner so we decided to go to Tim's bar and have a drink. We ended up eating there and decided to wait there until 10 p.m. when the band was supposed to start playing. The weather was cloudy all day and we had brought a flashlight with us to get back to the boat after dark so we weren't worried until Bruce and Mark noticed that the fog had again rolled in. We decided that we should go back to the dinghy and get to the boat before it got too bad. By the time we left and arrived at the marina the fog was even worse then we had ever seen it. It was too late to make it back to the boat even though it was just in the next bay as we would have become too disoriented in the fog. We were contemplating our next more which was possibly getting a hotel when a boat came into the dock and offered to tow our dinghy and bring us back to the boat. They had a much bigger flashlight and also had a boat over in the next bay so we took him up on the offer. We would never have found the boat on our own and were very happy when we were all on board Con El Viento again. It was only after the other boat left that we realized the both Mark and Bruce had slipped the guys some money for bringing us over. The 10 minute trip resulted in a $70.00 tip. This was one of more expensive lessons!
Saturday of course was beautiful and sunny because it was the day Trevor and Allison were to go home. We borrowed Tim's car again and drove them to the airport. The flights were pretty full but Allison was booked and Trevor was flying standby. Poor guy waited thru about 5 flights and would have made the last flight if they didn't load restrict it as they were short 1 flight attendant. Lindsay ended up picking up Allison at the airport and Trevor went to Mark's house for the night. He tried the next day on one of Mark's guest pass as Mark was going to Toronto to work so Trevor would have better seniority but he still did not make it so he returned to Chester in Mark's truck. Bruce would again have to borrow Tim's car and go back to the airport and fly home with Trevor s Trevor would never make it home otherwise. We decided to move the boat over to Oak Island Marina first so that I could be on a dock while Bruce went home. I really needed to do laundry and it would be easier to do from a dock. Bruce and Trevor finally made the last flight out of Halifax on Sunday night. Bruce got home and 0100 and had to be back to the airport at 0700. As everything happens at once, Sunday night we finally caught up with Lillian and Mike off off Zero Gravity who we have been trying to see for the last couple of weeks. They just arrived about one hour before Bruce had to leave but it was great to see them and I did get to have a good visit with them. They left the next day before Bruce got back but hopefully we will catch them again along the way.
On Monday afternoon we returned Tim and Monica's car and invited them out to the boat for dinner and a sleepover. I think they enjoyed getting away even if it was for a short time as they had just had an incredibly busy week at the bar as it was Chester Race Week. We decided to take today off and enjoy the Oak Island Resort. They have a indoor and outdoor pool, hot tub and spa. The weather has been sunny since Saturday and there is no rain in the forecast until Friday. It has been cool at night but great for sleeping. Tomorrow we will start out again early and take 2 days to get to Shelburne. We will probably go to Mouton Cove tomorrow as Richard and Susan told us it is a great place to anchor as it is in front of a beautiful sand beach. We haven't decided where we will cross over to the States or when we will cross yet. We will make that decision in Shelburne.

The adventure continues. Bruce's friend Mark from Halifax (the guy we went out to watch the fireworks with) came for a visit on Friday. We took the dinghy into town to meet him and of course everyone was talking about the storm the night before. Many people had lost power due to lightning strikes and Tim and Monica had lost a lot of their electronic equipment at the bar so Tim was busy getting new stuff set up so people could again use their credit and debit cards at the bar. We met up with Mark and decided to go back to the boat for a late lunch. Mark had brought enough food for a week but again failed to bring his wife with him. He does assure me that she does exist but I have yet to meet her. After lunch we decided to take the dinghy over to another of Mark's friend's boat who was anchored in the back harbor of Chester. We had a great time with them and then went into town to check out what was happening there. By this time it was getting too late to return to the boat for dinner so we decided to go to Tim's bar and have a drink. We ended up eating there and decided to wait there until 10 p.m. when the band was supposed to start playing. The weather was cloudy all day and we had brought a flashlight with us to get back to the boat after dark so we weren't worried until Bruce and Mark noticed that the fog had again rolled in. We decided that we should go back to the dinghy and get to the boat before it got too bad. By the time we left and arrived at the marina the fog was even worse then we had ever seen it. It was too late to make it back to the boat even though it was just in the next bay as we would have become too disoriented in the fog. We were contemplating our next more which was possibly getting a hotel when a boat came into the dock and offered to tow our dinghy and bring us back to the boat. They had a much bigger flashlight and also had a boat over in the next bay so we took him up on the offer. We would never have found the boat on our own and were very happy when we were all on board Con El Viento again. It was only after the other boat left that we realized the both Mark and Bruce had slipped the guys some money for bringing us over. The 10 minute trip resulted in a $70.00 tip. This was one of more expensive lessons!
Saturday of course was beautiful and sunny because it was the day Trevor and Allison were to go home. We borrowed Tim's car again and drove them to the airport. The flights were pretty full but Allison was booked and Trevor was flying standby. Poor guy waited thru about 5 flights and would have made the last flight if they didn't load restrict it as they were short 1 flight attendant. Lindsay ended up picking up Allison at the airport and Trevor went to Mark's house for the night. He tried the next day on one of Mark's guest pass as Mark was going to Toronto to work so Trevor would have better seniority but he still did not make it so he returned to Chester in Mark's truck. Bruce would again have to borrow Tim's car and go back to the airport and fly home with Trevor s Trevor would never make it home otherwise. We decided to move the boat over to Oak Island Marina first so that I could be on a dock while Bruce went home. I really needed to do laundry and it would be easier to do from a dock. Bruce and Trevor finally made the last flight out of Halifax on Sunday night. Bruce got home and 0100 and had to be back to the airport at 0700. As everything happens at once, Sunday night we finally caught up with Lillian and Mike off off Zero Gravity who we have been trying to see for the last couple of weeks. They just arrived about one hour before Bruce had to leave but it was great to see them and I did get to have a good visit with them. They left the next day before Bruce got back but hopefully we will catch them again along the way.
On Monday afternoon we returned Tim and Monica's car and invited them out to the boat for dinner and a sleepover. I think they enjoyed getting away even if it was for a short time as they had just had an incredibly busy week at the bar as it was Chester Race Week. We decided to take today off and enjoy the Oak Island Resort. They have a indoor and outdoor pool, hot tub and spa. The weather has been sunny since Saturday and there is no rain in the forecast until Friday. It has been cool at night but great for sleeping. Tomorrow we will start out again early and take 2 days to get to Shelburne. We will probably go to Mouton Cove tomorrow as Richard and Susan told us it is a great place to anchor as it is in front of a beautiful sand beach. We haven't decided where we will cross over to the States or when we will cross yet. We will make that decision in Shelburne.
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