The boat was just the way we left it and since we had fueled up before we left all that was left to do was reprovisions, fill of the water and return the rental car. We left the dock about 10:00 on Tuesday morning for a relatively short day to an anchorage south of Georgetown, SC in the South Santee River. For the first time in a while, we were by ourselves in the anchorage. It seems that we are at the tail end of the snowbirds heading south. I think I prefer this as now we don't have to rush to anchorages to get a good spot! We are starting to get a lot more current and even when the boat is stopped on anchor, our knot meter is reading that we are still moving, very strange feeling. At night we can hear the water on the stern of the boat rushing by. We left just after 0630 on Wednesday as we wanted to meet up with Jim and Karen on Northern Reach just past Charleston so we had 2 bridges to time and about 50 miles to do. Karen had booked us into a marina called Ross Marina. It was a great spot to meet up with them, talk about our plans over the next few days and our plans for Florida. We decided to book a marina in Titusville where Jim and Karen could spend Christmas, we could leave the boat while we went home for Christmas and have a couple of weeks just to relax, take a break from travelling and do some sightseeing! We hope to be in Titusville around the 8th or 9th of December and then fly home around the 17th or 18th of December again. The marina sounds great as it has a pool, tennis court etc. and it is cheap enough that we can rent a car for the time that we are there for sightseeing.
Today, Thursday the 29th of November, we are travelling with Jim and Karen again and heading to Beaufort, SC. We were a little dissapointed about missing Charleston but it will definately be a stop for a few days on our way back to the Chesapeake, when travelling will be a lot less rushed. Steve, Shirley, Mark and Carol are in Beaufort and we are not too sure yet but they may be staying in Beaufort until after Christmas I have started trying to write a little bit everyday when we are underway instead of spending time on shore trying to remember where we have been and what we have been doing for the last week or so. This also makes it easier to post it once we get to the internet somewhere. (my mind can't remember too far back!) We have been seeing tons of dolphins in the ICW which surprises us for some reason but we are not complaining as it is one of the most enjoyable things in our otherwise boring days of motoring thru the ICW.
We anchored just outside of Beaufort in Factory Creek and just as we finished anchoring, Jim called to tell us there was some dolphins beside our boat. It turned out to be a mother and baby swimming by, they were really cute! We left in time to catch the 0900 opening of the Lady's Island Bridge and after clearing the bridge, we passed by the city marina where Steve, Shirley, Mark and Carol have booked a slip for a month and will spend Christmas there before heading further south. They were all on the dock to wave to us and it was sort of a sad feeling leaving them behind and knowing that we will not meet up with them again for a while. We headed to another anchorage in yet another creek called the Bull Creek. Bruce and I have been travelling again for 4 days straight and were happy to arrive early in the day just to relax and enjoy the sunshine. We were just outside Savannah. GA and had a hard time finding a dock for a couple of nights as it is a very busy weekend with pre-Christmas activities going on as well as a decorated boat parade. Karen did eventually get us booked in a town called Thunderbolt that is right on the ICW and a cab or bus ride away from Savannah. Most sailers stay around here and tour Savannah by car as Savannah is about 8 miles up a river off the ICW. We are on our way now and will most likely have internet to post this blog. Our frends Ken and Amy (Mary T) are at another marina in the area and have the use of a van/car. They are planning on picking us up and doing some sightseeing this afternoon. I have really not been off the boat since Tuesdayand it is now Saturday so as you can imagine, I am very anxious to finally get off for a walk!
We had a great time in Savannah, the weather couldn't have been more perfect for sightseeing. Ken, Amy and Amy's friend Dietra (nicknamed do do) met us in the afternoon and we visited on our boat until dark as there was a boat parade scheduled for 1800. We were really glad we waited to go for dinner to see the parade as the boats were all beautifully lit up and as they all passed by our boat we blew our airhorns and sung (or at least tried to sing) Christmas Carols. It really helped to get us in the Christmas spirit! We went out to Tubby's Tankhouse for dinner and arranged to meet the gang in Savannah the next day. Jim, Karen, Bruce and I took a tour of the city by sightseeing bus in the morning which is a great way to see everything and them decide what you would like to go back and look at again. We then met Amy, Ken and do do and walked and walked and walked for the rest of the day. What a great city to explore and it is small enough to see most things in a day as long as you don't visit any museums!
As much as we hated to leave, we really had to keep on moving. We didn't have as long a day leaving Savannah as usual so we could start a little later and as we were taking the inside route (the Atlantic was too nasty to try that day),and we wanted to wait for high tide to make sure we would have enough water below our keels! Fields Cut, which we had to take, was reporting only 3 1/2 feet in places! We made out just great and only went about 30 miles to Walburg Creek and anchored for the night. The weather forcast for the next day looked good so we got an early start and took the Atlantic route out the St. Catherines Sound and back in at St. Simons Sound. Although we didn't get to just sail the whole trip, we did motorsail it and did shut the engines off for an hour or so! The main thing is that we avoided all the shallow water in Georgia and had a nice relaxing day. I don't know if we are getting smarter or just having better luck as we seem to be avoiding any horror stories! Sorry if I am boring you all, but we like it better this way! Since it was still early enough and it was high tide when we came back in at St. Simons, we decided to continue inside for a bit to get over some shallow water spots the needed to be passed at high tide. We anchored in Umbrella Creek for the night and again the sunset was amazing.
We are finally in Florida, Fernadina Beach to be exact. We arrived fairly early yesterday, Wednesday, December 5th and are on a mooring ball at the Fernandino Harbor Marina. Ken (from the Mary T) is fighting a cold and we are all a bit tired from travelling the last few days, so we decided to take a day down. We went in for lunch yesterday and it is a charming town which could use more exploring time. We had a potluck dinner last night on our boat and today we plan to go for a long walk and find the beach. We were also able to pay for a day on the internet so I can finally get this blog posted in the comfort of our own boat and it allows us to make lots of skype calls today too!! From here we plan to head to St. Augustine tomorrow and then we are only 2 days away from Titusville where we can finally rest up a bit. We will probably take a day down to see St. Augustine so we should be in Titusville by Monday if all goes well.
Nuclear sub at a dock in the St. Mary's River, can't see it very well cause we need a new camera with a zoom on it. Again a gun boat in the water making sure you did not get too close.
Pirate House in Savannah, where all the staff are dressed like pirates and you can go and try some of their famous pirate punch!
Savannah waterfront all decked out for Christmas
The gang in Savannah
Parade boats
Northern Reach on anchor in Factory Creek, we have had beautiful sunsets the last few days!
Leanne and Bruce
bride and groom with cousin Amy
Lindsay and her Grandma Havlin
H there Bruce & Esther,
I have been following your progress & enjoying your adventures. But I decided I should be on this trip with you instead of tied to my PC. We should have a special long long distance cruise award for this adventure. Some of the names bandied about are: PCYC - ICW 2007, or PCYC Marathon Marathon. Suggestions? We'll be cruisin the BVI from Jan 26 to Feb 2/08 If your in the neighbourhood.
Anna & Doug
Happy New Year Bruce and Esther!
We are enjoying our second blast of winter. Hope you are enjoying the warm temps of Florida.
Looking forward to hearing of your new adventures.
Bye for now,
Case and Nancy
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